
For more information about the EABM project, please contact:


Prof. Dr. Bart Defrancq


Ghent University


Dr. Claudio Fantinuoli


Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

More information and references

To learn more about CAI tools experimenting with speech recognition technology visit and


Consult the following references to learn more about CAI and its possibilities:


Defrancq, B., & Fantinuoli, C. (2020). Automatic speech recognition in the booth: Assessment of system performance,

interpreters’performances and interactions in the context of numbers. Target.

Fantinuoli, C. (2017). Computer-assisted interpreting: challenges and future perspectives. In Trends in E-tools and resources

for translators and interpreters (pp. 153-174). Brill Rodopi.

Fantinuoli, C. (2017). Computer-assisted preparation in conference interpreting. Translation & Interpreting9(2), 24-37.

Fantinuoli, C. (2016). InterpretBank. Redefining computer-assisted interpreting tools. In Proceedings of the Translating and

the Computer 38 Conference in London (pp. 42-52)

Fantinuoli, C. (2018). Interpreting and technology: The upcoming technological turn. Interpreting and technology11, 1.

Fantinuoli, C. (2019). The technological turn in interpreting: the challenges that lie ahead. In Proceedings of the conference

Übersetzen und Dolmetschen (Vol. 4, pp. 334-354).

Fantinuoli, C. (ed.) (2018). Interpreting and technology. Language Science Press.

Prandi, B. (2018). An exploratory study on CAI tools in simultaneous interpreting: Theoretical framework and stimulus

validation.Interpreting and technology11, 29.

Van Cauwenberghe, G. (2020). La reconnaissance automatique de la parole en interprétation simultanée : étude

expérimentale de l’impact d’un soutien visuel automatisé sur la restitution de terminologie spécialisée.



The EABM project is funded by the European Commission (DG Interpretation)